Give me strength

A load of old Holkham

While in Norfolk last week, carb-loading in a beer-and-chips sort of way, I was vaguely aware of what was on my Vegan Runners spring marathon training schedule, but couldn’t really be arsed to do the sessions. It’s taper time, and the plan is really to prioritise sleep (how many times have I written ‘prioritise sleep’ in diaries, blogs and running features in my illustrious journalistic past?) and keep the legs turning over in a vaguely energetic fashion.

My Wednesday recovery run, for example, was replaced by a frankly far more gruelling slog around Cley-Next-the-Sea and Blakeney, culminating in several miles trudging on shingle to see the famous seals at Blakeney point. We saw one, seal-surfing on rough seas and teasing us by making as if to swim beachward, before diving under the surf again. The day before we’d come across a seal pup looking confused on a Cromer beach.

Hard to resist the urge to get close and even attempt an examination, but fortunately North Norfolk Wildlife Trust is wise to idiots like me thinking they’re Dr Doolittle, and there are clearly worded posters everywhere saying leave them beached pups alone. Apparently it’s likely the mother seal had left her baby there for a reason (just popping to the shops) and would take a dim view of finding my stinky human scent on her progeny.

I did manage one, slightly sulky, run (shaken out of bed at 5.30am by the old-man’s beer-induced snores) in the Norfolk drizzle, which cleared to a pearly grey sort of day: perfect for wandering around Holkham Hall and its magical walled garden. I took full advantage of the National Trust’s benevolent (some might say woke) attitude to vegans, and feasted on a no-sausage roll for elevenses, a butter-free pecan tart for lunch and a millionaire’s (reasonably well-off-but-no-second-home person’s?) shortbread to go with afternoon tea.

I am now fully into the swing of taper mode. I only want to eat rubbish (see above) when all the wisdom tells us to uptake protein levels and make wholesome balanced meals with many vegetables, fruits and whole grains. The Easter chocolate has all but disappeared into my gaping maw, even the rather nasty Nomo (Kinnerton) shouty vegan stuff (plenty of dark chocolate not labelled as vegan is vegan, I tiredly reiterate to the Easter Bunny….).But one shouldn’t look a gift bunny in the mouth.

The sugar overload has not sweetened my disposition. For some reason everything has been irritating me this past week. It didn’t help that I had a very depressing session at the gum specialist (not the GUM clinic, you understand), where I’d been referred by my dentist. My receeding gums are an accident of genetics, three pregnancies and menopause; nothing, I must stress, to do with poor dental hygiene. Or the unwonted sweet stuff I’ve been eating.

The taper is quite irritating, which is really counterintuitive. You’d think that scaling down the mileage would result in renewed vigour and lust for life, but I feel heavy legged and dull. Today is the Friday before my last pre-marathon parkrun. I’d hoped to run a season’s best at Hillyfields tomorrow (and this season has seen me struggle to go under 25mins on this course). This evening sees me perched on a stool with my laptop listening to a rather tedious selection on Radio 3 and worry about my right knee. It hurts quite a lot and is a little swollen. It particularly hurts when going downstairs. It has nine days in which to get better. Nine days’ wonder.

Training since last blogpost:

Wednesday: 13 mile walk on shingle. Exhausted

Thursday: Easy five miler, with some marathon paced checks

Friday: Rest, driving back from Norfolk. Big dinner and glass of wine with William brother in law

Saturday parkrun with squiffy guts (see above) 25:05, a bit of a struggle, clenching manfully. You need know no more

Sunday: delightful sunny long run of 20 miles, to Erith! And Beyond! Took lots of lovely pictures and felt pleased with self

Monday: rest: proper taperage now. Filthy mood

Tuesday: early morning hills with Jaqui and Sarah. Hard work

Wednesday: recovery run of 5/6 miles. Did not recover. Mood still negative

Thursday: abortive track session. Feel like shit

Friday: pilates, bad knee, furious maranoia

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